Hôtel Mulhouse Salvator Centre Best Western - logo2
Hôtel Mulhouse Salvator Centre

Hotel Mulhouse Salvator Centre

contact us

Contact the Best Western Mulhouse Salvator Center hotel team
to book your room!

To book your stay in Mulhouse, or for a special requet contact us using this form or by phone: +33 3 89 45 28 32.

Do not hesitate to send us your request for group reservation in Mulhouse or for the organization of your seminar in the Haut-Rhin.

Hôtel Best Western Mulhouse Salvator Centre

+33 (0)3 89 45 28 32

29 Passage Central

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The hotel Best Western Mulhouse Salvator Centre collects your data in order to process your request. For more information on your rights of access, rectification and opposition, click here.

9 + 15 =

The hotel Best Western Mulhouse Salvator Centre collects your data in order to process your request. For more information on your rights of access, rectification and opposition, click here.